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Outsourcing Project Management Functions

Outsourcing Project Management Functions Every initiative to standardize project management internally or to outsource PMO or project management functions externally (BPO) should begin with a discovery phase to adapt project management solutions to the organizations they serve, with the goal of ensuring the successful, consistent, and predictable delivery of projects. We have a global capability and reach to provide effective BPO solutions for your project management functions.Cookie-cutter approaches from outside an organization that are not emergent from the client’s internal structure and culture tend to fail. For this reason both standardization and BPO initiatives should begin with a maturity assessment using best practice standards to establish a performance baseline. A maturity assessment will be the predicate for establishing tools, templates, processes, and methodologies. Because standards from the Project Management Institute (PMI) are the most widely adopted globally, they should be used to assess the organization, which will lay the foundation for institutionalizing PMI standards in the management of projects throughout your organization.Standards are an essential ingredient when partnering with business specialists or outsourcing core activities to focused providers. The virtues of business collaboration are clear: innovation and efficiency. Most companies seem to think that the right way to structure outsourcing is equally clear: tightly managing, across corporate boundaries, the process of delivering projects. Yet most companies also admit that such arrangements involve trade-offs. Tightly coupled processes are often inflexible. We believe that settling for these trade-offs is a mistake. Companies at the cutting edge of process management handle critical cross-company processes as though they were networks rather than production lines. These companies have swapped their tightly coupled processes for loosely coupled ones, thereby gaining much-needed flexibility and improving their performance in the bargain. The key to achieving this kind of flexibility is standards. Standards are merely shared knowledge-worker processes to enable effective action. To become agile and cope with the uncertain global business environment, an organization must push “power to the edge”. This phrase refers to the ability of an organization to dynamically synchronize its actions, achieve management control, and increase the speed of management over a robust, networked organization structure via the ability to move information and decision-making capabilities to the edge – the interface between the organization and the systems the organization desires to influence or affect, i.e. project teams. This occurs through the centralization of standards that give teams maximum freedom of action. For this reason, the correct strategy is to leverage the most widely adopted project management standards from the global advocate of the project management profession: the Project Management Institute. Softleanerp is a leading expert in using the Project Management Institute’s OPM3 standard in the domains of project management, program management, and portfolio management, as well as organization enablers essential to project success, to assess organizations just like yours. In this manner, we will identify quickly and facilitate effectively the implementation of policies governing Organizational Project Management processes. This work predicates tailoring of process documentation and training of all necessary stakeholders in order to achieve consistent implementation of work methods and institutionalization of metrics. This will serve as both a baseline and a stepping stone to the implementation of controls demonstrating the capability of Organizational Project Management processes quantitatively you to demonstrate the value of your project management solutions at intervals in the future and to secure their continued implementation buoyed by subsequent maturity assessments each year.


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