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Work Performance measurements

While a project is being executed, the monitoring and controlling process groups are putting together date and performance reports. The reports must not only contain factors that are positive, but must project the true story. This is the kind of visibility and transparency that is requires at all levels to ensure that the project is completed successfully up to the standards promised.This information will help the project manager take appropriate action. The report may vary from a small abstract or summary to detailed performance reports that get into the nitty-gritty of things.Project Management plan includes the first charted up plan which includes the various metrics agreed upon as Key performance IndicatorsWork Performance measurements include the various baselines and models developed to review the performance.The various work performance measurements can include among othersStart and finish datesCosts incurred and committedWork effort carried outWork effort remainingWork, cost and schedule percentage completeThe status of project deliverablesFuture forecasts for cost, time and workEarned Value metrics for schedule and costStatus of defect repairsThe status of implemented change requestsCorrective and preventative action that was takenStatus of existing risks and issuesReport Performance – Tools and TechniquesProgress reporting will include activities, scope, scheduled work, costs and significant milestone achievements since the last progress report was issued.Status reporting relates to the overall project report performance completion and is often expressed as a percentage.Forecasting predicts cost, scope, and schedule metrics and will use Earned Value Analysis to calculate such predictions.Variance analysis will compare the scope, schedule and cost inputs and compare these against their baselines.Code of ethics and professional conduct – a project manager should strive to gather accurate data without misrepresentation.Report Performance – OutputThe report performance process takes work performance information from various other processes, and the performance report is used as an input to various monitoring and managing processes.As a result of gathering the report information, it may become clear that a change request be raised, and this will become an input into the Perform Integrated Change Control process. In addition a performance report is used as an input to the distribute information process which uses the communication management plan to identify the intended report audience. The main deliverable from the report performance process is the performance records them, and also to update organisational process assets and to make change requests if needed.Evaluation of performance of various project processes and resources is as important as any other process in the lifecycle. It is the only form in which mediocre work gets out of the project, there should be zero tolerance to deviations from the initial project charter. Constant evaluation will make sure that the all the processes are functioning to the standards expected.To dig deeper into project report performance, and to be a PMP certified professional, be part of our San Jose PMP Bootcamp – Click here to learn more about the San Jose PMP Bootcamp and book your seat today!


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