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Copy Task Recurrence Setting

Project management is in full swing and summer is fast approaching, all the while  is consistently on the force out interesting new improvements to make your work more successful. Look into the brief online video that shows you accurately what is new and read below: Online online video access through dashboard We have begun a series of videos to complement the Project management experience. Mostly individualized to the new customer or those buying a quick reference, these videos allow a quick view exhibiting how Project managements runs, the interface and ideas, as well as the recent enhancements. Menu standardization The tendencies of menus within the Home or Job "context" have now recently been typically standardized. This means that the same menu items as well available through the interface. After clicking on the item in the Project menu will automatically navigate the consumer to the function/page in the Home area, for example. Normal end user can manage clients Before this release, clients could only be added/managed within the Government section, naturally needing the Administrator user right. That can now be utilized through the More>  Consumers menu and users with the "can manage clients" right placed in the Access Privileges section of the person account have access. Time entrance pop-upsTo enter time, a pop-up window is shown alternatively than as it was once by packing another page. This will save you time because the user can enter some disregard the page without having to reload the past web page again and burning off your spot. Change fee to another project There must have been a restriction in that after a cost was added to a project there was clearly plainly no way to move it to a different project if there is a blunder made. Now simply open the existing fee item inside my Expenditures and change what Task (and task) the price is associated with. Job documents enhancement The Project File site has the same functionality as the Task Document page that was updated in April. That is possible to modify a project document name, description and version immediately, as well dynamically lock/unlock documents without page revitalizing. For convenience a new sorting functionality was added as well the record tree was located more conveniently within the web site. Copy task recurrence setting When creating a new job from a template the user now has a choice to repeat job recurrences. The copy recurrences have options to either set a starting time or eliminate the particular day, meaning that the finish end user will have to induce the recurrences manually within the new project. General performance enhancements The overall performance of ProjectManagement has expanded in page loading scheduled to optimization of menu launching and numerous factors. This sort of should be especially obvious on accounts with a significant number of users, assignments and tasks. Menu goods have become loaded effectively, meaning you may not have to wait before pages weight. The complete set of changes and pest treatments may be seen in our Changes Background site. series of videos to fit the ProjectManagement experience. Generally tailored to the new user or those buying a simple research, these videos allow a quick view showing how ProjectManagement runs, its software and principles, as well as the recent advancements.


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